Born Again?

What does that really mean? Born Again. To the one who is, it is a term of love and affection for the One and Only True God who reached down from His throne in the Heavenlies to save us from the pit of Hell. To those who have not been Born Again, the true meaning is hidden. It’s something that really can’t be understood until you take that leap of Faith and make the commitment, claiming The LORD Jesus as your very own LORD and Savior, committing to follow Him all of the rest of your days, and even beyond. It’s something that has puzzled people since Jesus first discussed it with Nicodemus in the Gospel of John. Nicodemus asked how one can be put back in their mother’s womb, thinking the Jesus meant a literal second birth. It seems strange coming from an obviously well educated man. But that is the kind of confusion it causes.

I remember the first time I ever heard the sinner’s prayer. I had only been going to church for a few months. I distinctly remember thinking, “If I’m going to give this ‘Christian thing’ a fair shot, I have to pray this prayer. I can always change my mind later.” I didn’t realize at the time that it was the prayer of salvation. I didn’t know that by praying that prayer I was joining the ranks of the Born Agains that I used to make fun of. All I knew was that my life was messed up and something had to change, and the quicker the better. Nothing else had worked, so just about anything was worth a shot. And so I prayed, silently, just me talking to God.

And that’s all He really wants, relationship, talking with Him, spending time listening to Him, just being together. And the more time you spend with Him, the better you are able to hear Him. The better you are able to hear Him, the more you will listen to Him. It’s an ever increasing, upward spiral. It’s been a wonderful walk with Him, 9 1/2 years, so far. Of course, I have my days, and sometimes even weeks, when I don’t have time, or I just don’t want to talk. While these times of non-communication make Him sad, He doesn’t go away. He just waits for me to come back to Him. It’s NEVER Him who walks away.

So, if you want to change your life, if you have been traveling a path that you know is not good for you, or even if you’ve been living a “pretty good” life, but have not dedicated yourself to God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, you too can join the ranks of the Born Agains. All you have to do is tell God that you love Him, you are sorry for the things you have done that hurt Him or disappoint Him, tell Him that you will strive to do better, to live for Him, and that you want Jesus, His One and Only begotten Son to come to you, to lead and to guide you in following Him. That’s all there is to it. You don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to because the most important One will already know!

While it’s a good idea to get connected with other believers because we are able to strengthen and encourage each other, it’s not an absolute requirement. I think you will find, though, that you will begin to seek out relationship with others in order to learn more and get connected. If you pray this prayer, PLEASE, let me know. Comment back to me. I will keep your comment private if you wish. But if you do respond, I’d like to know so I can be one of your connections. If we live in the same area, I can direct you to churches to check out, or websites to start studying the Word of God, or just stay in touch and be an encourager. That’s one of the best parts, growing the family of God. I have more brothers and sisters around the world than I know what to do with! And the family keeps on growing!! Come, join us!!